September 25th, 2023
Hello!!! I had an awesome breakfast this morning... It was kind of the highlight of my day, actually! HAHA! It was a breakfast sandwich... With fried spam, eggs, and hashbrowns on it! YUM! Don't forget to toast the bread either! So good... I love discovering new, simple meals to make!
I think that's it! I'm feeling pretty good today! And I've been feeling pretty good the past couple days as well! I hope that you're doing well too!! See ya around!! Bye!!

September 19th, 2023
Hi! Hope this week is treating you well! I'm feeling pretty good right now... Got new meds... Yayyy!!!
Mortal Kombat 1 and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game both were released recently so I'm pretty pumped about that as well! Probably won't buy either of them any time soon, but I'm enjoying them vicariously through other people, hehe.

September 10th, 2023
HI AGAIN!!! I hope you're doing well! I'm feeling much better today! I got outside and did some outdoor work in the sun... It's a bit hot out, so sweat was rolling down my back and everything. HAHA. Felt nice though! I love working up a sweat! And I just got out of the shower, so I'm feeling pretty good! Gonna take it easy for the rest of the day and work on some more pages for this site! ^_^ Yay! I hope that you're having a great day as well! Thank you so much for reading, as always! Peace and love!!

September 9th, 2023
HELLO! I'm feeling sooo beaten down already this month. With somewhat perfect comedic timing, my car finally broke down this week. You can probably guess how I feel about that, so I won't linger on it.
But there is something that I would like to talk about a little bit!! 'Cause I am pretty excited about it! And it won't be as much of a drag to read about, haha. The Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection!!!
I tend to be sort of frugal when it comes to spending money extracurricularly, especially when it comes to video games. For this reason, I don't play games often! But I've recently been curious about the Street Fighter series, so I decided to buy this collection as a treat. Which is why the car situation is especially... POORLY TIMED. Even though the game didn't set me back much! ANYWAY, I'm enjoying it A LOT so far and I just wanted to ramble about it a bit! To take my mind off of things...
It's so funny playing the original Street Fighter on a modern console. I can imagine what it was like to play it in the arcade... Especially when it first came out. It was probably amazing for it's time, but it's so funny and difficult to control dealing with it now, HAHA (although that may also just be due to me being new to the game!).
MOST NOTABLY, I wanted to talk about ELENA!!! Who has quickly become my favorite and default character to play as because I love her so so MAJORLY. UGH!!! She has such a fun personality and her animations are so smooth and satisfying to watch. When you get a combo going, it feels extra satisfying AND I feel especially motivated to win with her because I love her winning animations/dialogue... I like seeing her happy. So serious right now. It's infectious.
I'm still learning the whole plot and story of all the characters, so... Please be patient with me, haha!! BUT, this collection is particularly interesting and fun to me because they have information that you can read on each of the games, as well as a timeline and details about the original concept for the games and such. AND full music sections where you can listen to the soundtracks from the games!! I'm looking forward to finally getting the time to sit down and go through all of it sometime soon!
Ahh, I have more to say about it, but I'll stop here! I'm feeling pretty tired... I hope that you're doing well and having a great start to your month! Thank you so much for reading and have a great day!! Peace!

September 5th, 2023
Good morning! I hope you're having a good day today! I've been rationing medication for the past couple days just to get through the weekend... But it turns out I'll have to wait even longer than expected! ACK! So I'm completely out at this point. Looks like I'm going to have to make a four hour trip just to grab some left over medication to tide me over until they fill it again. Hopefully in the next couple days. Sigh... Feeling sort of (physically) crappy, but at least it's a beautiful day today! So, I'll have a nice drive! Tempted to grab something to eat on my way there, but I know that would be counterproductive. Haha!! Anyway! Thank you for reading! Have a great day! Peace!