DECEMBER 2023...

Making Progress
posted: december 15th, 2023 (09:12am)
mood: optimistic
listening: diary of a slave
Hello hello!! I'm back with good news! I had a little bit of a busy day yesterday... I had to do some running around after work, but everything went well! And my anxiety has been low since last night! I think it might be because I did a couple things that would normally be anxiety-inducing, but everything went perfectly, so it proved to my brain that there was nothing to worry about... Whatever the reason, I'm grateful that I'm finally in a good mood today after feeling so low for so long! In fact, I was so happy yesterday that I danced around and listened to music once I got home!

Book Club?! (and rambling)
posted: december 12th, 2023 (10:50pm)
mood: apathetic
listening: room 429
Hello again! I hope you're doing well and staying warm! To expand a bit on what I mentioned before, I've been looking into a book club that I might be able to join. Hopefully, I can squeeze in there without too much trouble... Wish me luck with working up the courage to join!
I've been feeling very reclusive lately... Maybe it's the change in the weather. Winter always gets me feeling a bit depressed. But, I'm trying to celebrate the little things that I've been doing to get out of my comfort zone. Even if they seem silly or small. It's been hard to find the motivation lately, but today was a beautiful day, so I'm grateful for that. And I got everything done that I needed to. I just feel sort of sad because things that used to be normal/mundane for me (socializing, driving, etc.) are suddenly very difficult for me again. After I've worked on those things for so long. I know that progress isn't linear and I know that these things will get easier for me again with a little work, but I can't help but feel sort of... I don't know. Defeated, in the meantime.
I'm mostly tired of getting scared over the idea of leaving the house when it was once somewhat easy for me. I've always struggled with social anxiety, but I was making progress and it feels like it all fell through my fingers. Like I'm starting back at square one. Agh, sorry for complaining again. It's just what's been on my mind... Logically speaking, I know things will get better... And that's what keeps me going, but I'm just being a little impatient, I suppose. Anyway! That's all I'll say for now! Thank you for reading and have a great day! I'll see you around! ^_^

Lots of Life Changes
posted: december 7th, 2023 (02:40pm)
mood: tense
music: flesh is the law
Hello! I can't believe it's already December! I have a lot of things going on right now... I'm in the middle of moving and looking for a new job. Plus, I'm trying to find a group or club or something that I can join. It's a little difficult to find anything close by, but I think it would benefit me to get out of the house and meet some new people! I've been living like a hermit for the past couple of years. So, I'm hoping a club of some kind can help me with my horrible social anxiety. It'll probably do me some good to get out of my comfort zone too, even though I still feel sort of reluctant about it. It's going to be difficult, but it's worth a try! I think I'll be grateful that I did it!
I'm also working on a couple creative projects... Definitely stretching myself a little bit. I've been working on a screenplay and a visual novel (separately). Sigh. Change makes me nervous, but I know that it's necessary for growth. And I also know that I will make it through this. I might be nervous now, but soon all of this stuff will pass and I'll be able to calm down a bit again. ^_^