NOVEMBER 2023...

November 18th, 2023
Hello there!! I went to the store to get groceries and and on my way out, a woman very sweetly complimented my outfit and made my whole day!!!! And then I got more compliments when I had to go out earlier tonight!!! I hate driving in the city, but the people here are very kind, in my experience. Speaking of driving, I've been having a LOT of driving anxiety recently (whether it's city driving or not). I don't know what it is exactly... Nothing has really changed... I just wish I didn't have to do it some days!

November 15th, 2023
Hello again! I hope that you are doing well today! I've been having a difficult couple of weeks, to be completely honest. I haven't been able to draw or do anything creative for the past month. And by that I mean, I sit down and try to make something but nothing comes out. A little frustrating... Among other things, just not feeling very good about myself, but I won't get into all of that... Haha! Feeling especially anxious and lonely recently. Things that used to be fun or easy feel weirdly hard and tedious...
I think that's all! I will get through it regardless! And I'm sure I'll feel better soon!

November 11th, 2023
HELLO! Today is the one year anniversary of this site's creation! Unfortunately, I don't have anything special planned for today, but it's fun to remember regardless! Happy Birthday/Anniversary to HUGSQUEEZE!!!