JANUARY 2024...

Book Club?! (the thrilling sequel)
posted: january 25th, 2024 (12:13pm)
mood: frustrated
listening: i against i
Hi again!!!! I hope that you're doing well!!! :) I'm personally feeling a little bummed out because it looks like my book club plan won't work out after all. :( They have two meetings that I could potentially attend, but one of the two days takes place when I'm at work and the other is over an online call. Thus defeating the purpose of me trying to get out of the house and meet people... Darn...
ACK!!! I feel super silly for struggling so much with this... Oh well! I'll just keep looking! Peace and love!!!

Isolating... Again?
posted: january 17th, 2024 (03:52pm)
mood: uninspired
listening: shut down your soul (flash warning)
Hello! I've been wanting to write here for the past couple weeks, but I haven't had much to say! I still don't think I have anything interesting to talk about, even now. Hehe... Nevertheless, I want to update this page anyway! I hope that you've been doing well and staying warm! It's been super chilly where I'm at.
As for how I'm feeling... I feel kind of boring. HAHA. I don't have any interesting creative ideas and I don't think I'm much for conversation lately... Everything is going well otherwise! So I'm not trying to complain! I just wish that I could draw again. Nothing is coming out quite right... And it's just a little frustrating... I want to post (on tumblr), but then I have nothing to post because I haven't been able to draw... So, then I try to draw and it doesn't turn out and then I still have nothing to post... LOL! Vicious cycle. Anyway... I hope that you're having a great day today! Thank you so much for reading! Peace!